If you are running 3.5.x version of CFEngine on HP-UX machines, cf-runagent will not work OOTB. There was an error on bundled CFEngine policy.
You might simply modify your `masterfiles/controls/cf_serverd.cf` like the following;
- cfruncommand => "/bin/sh -c \"SHLIB_PATH=\"/var/cfengine/lib-twin\" $(sys.cf_twin) -f $(sys.workdir)/inputs/update.cf\" ; $(sys.cf_agent)";
+ cfruncommand => "/usr/bin/sh -c \"SHLIB_PATH=\"/var/cfengine/lib-twin\" $(sys.cf_twin) -f $(sys.workdir)/inputs/update.cf\" ; $(sys.cf_agent)";
then add a promise under access: type
handle => "server_access_grant_access_shell_cmd_hpux",
comment => "Grant access to shell for cfruncommand on HP-UX",
admit => { "$(sys.policy_hub)" };