No monitoring data can be seen in the Mission Portal, under Monitoring.
Please note that as of 3.6.3 monitoring data has been disabled by default. By clicking on Monitoring in the Mission Portal, you see instructions for enabling it.
If, after enabling for 30 minutes, you still cannot see any monitoring data or if you see the following error on your hub (e.g. syslog), please see steps to resolve below.
<date> <hostname> cf-consumer: Fail status while pushing monitoring mg updates = CFPA_ERR_ZERO_ROWS
Also, on your hub, compare contents of tables, all should be empty, or all should have data:
/var/cfengine/bin/psql cfdb -c "select * from __monitoringmg;"
/var/cfengine/bin/psql cfdb -c "select * from __monitoringyrmeta;"
/var/cfengine/bin/psql cfdb -c "select * from __monitoringmgmeta;"
Steps to resolve
If from the diagnostics above you see that__monitoringyrmeta and __monitoringmgmeta had data but __monitoringmg was empty then the meta tables need to be truncated so they can repopulate.
To truncate the meta tables, please run:
/var/cfengine/bin/psql cfdb -c "truncate table __monitoringyrmeta cascade;"
/var/cfengine/bin/psql cfdb -c "truncate table __monitoringmgmeta cascade;"