Problems you are facing
- Troubleshooting Segfaults
- CFEngine hub problems - send debugging data to support
- Agents not executing health indicator
- CFEngine upgrade on HP-UX
- Many cf-agent processes running
- No monitoring data collected or displayed in 3.6
- High traffic and load on OS package repository
- Host missing from cf-key -s, Mission Portal or API
- Schedule reports on 3.6.1
- Excessive disk space usage by postgres due to monitoring table
- cf-runagent does not run on HP-UX
- How to re-initialise MongoDB
- error: db3 error(12) from dbcursor->c_put: Cannot allocate memory
- Package listing using generic package method hangs my machine
- No cf-execd/cf-serverd running after DEB client auto upgrade to 3.5.x
- "R: Successfully installed Cfengine binaries" message
- Tokyo Cabinet file corruptions
- Client errors: "Resource temporarily unavailable"
- cf-agent has high cpu usage when upgrading
- Man pages on 3.5.x
- Work around for agent upgrade/package name
- 3.5.2 MP Reporting not reporting loadavg for 3.5.1 agents
- HP-UX error messages
- Client Upgrade from 3.5.0/3.5.1/3.5.2 to 3.5.3
- CFEngine not copy files to client hosts
- Cannot save/export reports after upgrade to 3.5
- Login problems fresh install Mission Portal, Enterprise 3.0.0
- Problems bootstrapping
- Troubleshooting tips